Health and Wellness Guidelines for In Person Visitors
We warmly welcome you to the Abode!
At the Abode we serve the well-being of others. We offer retreats and gatherings that create a time to pause, reflect, and gather inner strength. It’s a time to be alone; a time to be among others. We are deeply committed to promoting a healthy and harmonious environment. Protecting public health and the safety of our community is a responsibility we honor.
Recent publications from the Center of Disease Control (CDC) no longer stress pre-testing and mandatory masking. Rather, they encourage common sense measures of practicing good hygiene and taking steps for cleaner air. Covid precautions today are all about consciousness – being aware of our own health and of our surroundings - and choices – our personal choices. We strive to partner with you in this.
For the safety of all attending programs at the Abode
We request that anyone planning to attend a program at the Abode take a Covid test prior to their arrival due to the compromised immunity of some of our participants. In general we always ask that anyone feeling unwell, or having tested positive for Covid, stay home and make arrangements to visit the Abode at another time.
To assure proper ventilation, the Meditation Hall is equipped with air purifiers. Windows and doors are open to avoid stuffiness. You are encouraged to step outside to enjoy our natural surroundings at any time. Hand soap, sanitizer, and paper towels are available in all restrooms. Masks are optional. We have a supply in the apothecary and encourage you to use them to protect yourself or to protect others. Consistent with our values, every person at the Abode is expected to treat others with respect regardless of their masking choice.
Let us be mindful of good health practices. Stay at home if you have the following symptoms:
Fever or chills
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Muscle or body aches
New loss of taste or smell
Sore throat
Congestion or runny nose
Nausea, vomiting or diarrhea
At any time if you are aware of any of the above symptoms while at the Abode, please return home.
May all beings be well and happy.