Dances of Universal Peace

Lead by Amina and Arif and Friends

Every third Sunday of the Month at the Abode of the Message at 2pm

September 3rd Sunday is 9/15

~DUP follows a wonderful morning of Universal Worship at 11am and brunch served at 12:30pm

We are passionate about bringing people together in community and
connection and feel that it is so important for both our individual
and our collective healing.  What else can we do?  Following Sam
Lewis's (Originator of Dances of Universal Peace) world peace plan to
"Eat, Dance and Pray together. "  We host retreats and travel around
the country leading  a variety of retreats and Dances of Universal
Peace,  connecting with other beloveds.  Strengthening, supporting and
deepening community one gathering at a time, we offer opportunities to
eat, dance and pray together in loving service.

About the dances from

The Dances of Universal Peace and Walking Concentrations are spiritual
practice in motion. Drawing on the sacred phrases, scripture, and
poetry of the many spiritual traditions of the earth, the Dances blend
chant, live music and evocative movement into a living experience of
unity, peace and integration. This taste of our true nature - as
Universal Peace - opens to the possibility of a deep spiritual
revolution within the person.

The Dances are taught today in much the same way as Samuel Lewis
presented them. No musical or dance experience of any kind is required
and everyone is welcomed to join in. Participation, not presentation,
is the focus. No special attire is required and dancers need not bring
a partner.

Participants join hands forming a circle with the Dance leader, and
possibly musicians, in the center. The leader teaches the sacred
phrase, melody, and movements for each Dance and perhaps some context
about that particular Dance. The teaching is always brought from a
compassionate heart in a comfortable, quiet, and often sacred setting.